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Call: 01945 581358
Mob: 07887 841306
low impact blaster parties (for 8-12 years old)
NOW AVAIBLE MOST WEEKDAYS including school holidays
Each Private party session consists of a safety brief with full instruction on the use of the equipment, simple explanation of game rules and game etiquette followed by:
1: Practical paintball marker (gun) safety lesson
2: Single and multi-shot target practice
3: Break out training
4: Followed by Full on Team Vs Team Combat Games
5: Half time break for refreshments
6: Further games with various objectives
Using equipment specifically designed for the younger 8-12 year old budding paintballer our junior 'Blaster' low impact pump action paintball markers shoot a smaller .50 calibre paintball (less than half the size of a normal paintball) designed so younger children can play.
Private parties (Birthdays etc) are available for any 8-12 year old player. £25.00pp with unlimited paintballs for a two hour session, minimum group size is 10 players.
To book call 07887 841306 or 01945 581358
£25.00 Per Player (£10pp deposit required)
Unlimited Paintballs
Camo Overalls
BLASTER Body Armour
BLASTER Pump Action Low Impact Marker
Free Soft Drink and Chocolate Bar
Full Face Paintball Goggles
Optional Ambush Hood
2 Hour Session
Experienced Paintball Marshals
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